Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Oh Monday! I passed your test!

So yesterday was a big day for me.  It was my 1st day at my new job and I was VERY excited about it!  Sunday night, Jon and I picked out my outfit and were all set for my big day.

Yesterday, I got up early got ready for work, and just hung out with Miley until it was time for me to head to work.  Just a nice quiet morning...... Until I get to my car, and it WOULDN'T start! Like the AC & the radio would turn on, but that was it! So I started to panic! I had about 45 mins before I had to be at work.  So I call Jon and told him that my car wouldn't start and I didnt' know what to do, since he was already at work.  He told me he was on his way, but to go ask our neighbor, Al, if he could help me get my car started.  Luckily, we have very sweet neighbors, and Al was getting ready to head out for golf, so he came over and checked my car out and said the battery was dead, boooo!!!!  So I rolled my car down the driveway, and he came over with his car and jumped my car.  After his jump, my car turned on, but Jon didn't want me to risk anything, so he picked me up and drove me to work.

By the time Jon picked me up, it was 7:30 and GPS said my office was only 22 mins away, so I wasn't too worried, until we hit the freeway.   It was like a freaking parking lot! So I'm back in panic mode! Thankfully, after some scary maneuvers from the husband, we made it over to the carpool lane, and were able to bypass most of the traffic.  And guess what???!!! I made it to work 5 min early!  I couldn't believe that my morning had started like that!

Thankfully, my boss wanted to take me out to lunch for my 1st day, or else I would of starved at work! lol.  After my very eventful morning, I spent the rest of my day training and learning about my position.  It looked a little like this:
This is my new cubical.  Ill post more pics once its cuteness level increases! 
I have never worked in a HR team, its always just been me and my boss, but at this company we have a team of HR members, and Im really excited about that.  I met a few of them, and they all seem very nice.  So I'm pretty excited for whats to come! :)

Jon picked me up from work, and then we headed home, picked my car up and took it over to a car parts store and they checked my battery and they confirmed that my battery was bad, so we had to get me a new one.

Monday tried to ruin my day, but better luck next time! Team Burns can overcome anything! :) :)

Lets hope the rest of the week goes by smoothly!!!

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