Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Weekend update!!!

The weekend never seems long enough! Sundays are always a sad day for me because Monday is right around the corner.
Love being able to go home to my lunch break!
Friday was an awesome night because Jon and I headed to the Emblem 3 concert.  They were on XFactor about 2 years ago, they ended up getting 3rd place, but now they have a CD out, have gone on tour with Selena Gomez, and now are doing their own tour.  Jon got me tickets for the concert back in December, and I have been counting down the days!  Anyway, they are surfer guys with fun music, they sound a little reggae.  I'm glad Jon is such a good sport and doesn’t mind doing things like this with me.  Most of the concert attendees where teenage girls, lol, but we had a lot of fun, and I was happy that I finally got to see them in concert and got to come home with a new t-shirt :)
Jon and I before we headed out

Enjoying the sunshine and some drinks before Emblem 3 got on stage

Boo to not being able to take good pictures! Sad day!
Saturday, Jon and our friend Curtis golfed, while Michelle and I hung out with Curtis fiancĂ©, Lindsey.  We hung out at her house went out for some drinks, and then met back up with the guys in Tempe with some other friends for dinner.  
Me, Michelle and Lindsey enjoying the sunshine and mimosas!

Dinner with friends
Sunday, the 3 of us met up with Curtis and Lindsey again, because Lindsey forgot her car keys in Jon’s car, so we went out to sushi.  Then we spent the rest of our Sunday relaxing at home, we barbequed for dinner and just enjoyed a sunny Arizona day!
Miley watching over our snacks

Frozen yogurt love :)

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Friday, March 14, 2014

Returning to my lil corner!

I know I keep disappearing from this little space of mine, my heart just wasnt in it for some time, think I needed a little break to adjust to life in Arizona and all the new things that have been going on in our lives.  I really miss blogging, I love looking back at my blog and seeing all the fun things that Jon and I have done together, which I know I would of forgotten about, if it wasn’t for this wonderful space of mine.  I'm going to try to keep up with my blog and get back to documenting the life adventures that Jon and I go on J

Life has been great, but it’s definitely been an adjustment. With Jon’s new position he travels A LOT! I feel like I rarely see him and Miley is starting to take ownership of his side of the bed, lol.  I love having my little sister here with me to keep me company, so I feel less lonely with him gone, but it’s definitely hard. Ever since Jon and I started dating, we have been together 24/7, the longest time apart was for a week and that would happen very rarely.  Now, he’s gone a majority of the month, either traveling to Oklahoma or to California. I’m pretty excited because Jon has been gone all week, and he got back home last night! Yay! And his boss is being awesome and is letting him stay home for an entire month before he has to head back on the road, I’m excited to have him home for so long!

Jon and I have some exciting few weeks ahead of us with some awesome new life developments, and I cannot wait until I can start blogging about that! But for now, I’ll leave you with some fun instagram photos of what life has been like the past 2 months!

Happy Friday!

My 2 loves
Jon trying to get Michelle to like sushi…. it didn't work.
Long drives to find a Mexican grocery store and we found a friend!  
My sweet princess 
Jon loving life at the Waste Management PGA Golf tour
Some more Waste Management PGA Golf tour pics

Our Super Bowl sunday set up
My BFF and I in Vegas! 
At the Britney Spears Vegas show!!!! EEEEKKK SO awesome!!! 
Us on Valentines day
Happy Miley and Wendy with our Valentines day gift! Its a lil dog paw for my charm bracelet :)
My valentines day gift to Jon.  Tickets to a golf show
Michelle and I enjoying the sunshine and the backyard! 
My lil home at work :)
Visitors! Our friend Jake drove up from San Diego with his gf to spend the weekend with us, it was such a blast! 

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