Friday, April 20, 2012

Friday's Letters

Dear Husband Thanks for being so sweet and good to me! I love the fact that you always tuck me into bed and have no problem that your wife sleeps with 2 Hello Kitty's, in fact, if I don't have them with me, you make sure that I don't fall asleep without them.  That's love! Dear Miley You turned 2 on Tuesday and I think you know that your a big girl now, your listening skills have improved so much! I'm so proud of you baby! you make my heart happy! Dear Seattle Children's Hospital It would make my day if I could please get a call back from you soon! Its been 2 weeks since I interviewed, I'm ready to move forward with this process. Please call me back soon! Dear Heather & Ivan I am SO excited that you guys are coming up to spend the weekend with us! I love when we have our Portland friends up for the weekend.  We are going to have a lot of fun! Dear Seattle Weather Please be good to us and don't rain, PLEASE!



  1. Love your blog girl!
    I found you through the blog hop and I had to follow :)

    I own a wedding photography company and I LOVE LOVE LOVE that photo at the top of this post

    have a great weekend darling!

    xxx Jessica

    1. Thank you! And welcome to my world! So happy to have a new follower.
      Our wedding photographer was pretty amazing, I love all of our wedding pictures.
      Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Aw how sweet sounds like you have an amazing husband. Thank you for the comment and wishing me a happy birthday! =) By the way that picture is adorable!


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