Thursday, February 2, 2012


Since i spend most of my time at work bored out of my mind, i spend A LOT of time on pinterest.  I have found so many great things on this site and I've been pretty good about actually following through with my pins and actually making the receipt or following the tips and ideas.  Anyway, I've been meaning to organize our pantry because its so disorganized and i do not like it at all.  Then i found this on pinterest:
This isn't the original pin that i found on pinterest, but its the same concept.  So today, on my lunch, i headed to the dollar tree and bought 6 plastic baskets to organize our pantry.  I was so excited to get home and start organizing.  This is what our pantry looked like before (I forgot to take a "before" picture before i got started, i was too excited! lol, so the top shelf is already organized in this picture BUT you get the idea!)

I ended up not buying enough baskets, so ill have to go back tomorrow to finish organizing, but so far so good.  Im glad that i did this!

Another idea i found on pinterest was this:

This was another organizing idea that i was SUPER excited about.  Its a mail station to keep all the mail organized.  Im so glad that i did this and have incorporated it into our lives.  Before this, guess where i would put Jon's mail so that i was sure that he checked it?  In his bathroom! lol.  But if i didn't put it there, he would NEVER check his mail that i would leave on the counter.  We have been doing this for a week and it has been working out GREAT! I love it and i feel like such a grown up! lol.  

Im so glad pinterest is around, it has seriously made life so much more fun and it has helped me be more creative.  

When i was at the dollar tree, i also got a cute little basket for Miley's toys.  I placed it next to her "room".  one minute it looked like this:

And next thing i see is THIS:

What mom??!! 

She cracks me up.

And last but not least, my Feb Photo of the day:


  1. this post inspired me to get more organized around my house. that needs to happen soon! :)
    xo TJ

  2. You did a great job at organizing the pantry, looks good! :)


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