Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Big sisters

I wanted to share this picture of my big sister Patty & I.  I love this picture of her and I, even thought we are little here, it definitely tells you how our relationship is.
Patty and I are only 3 years a part.  We also have 2 older sisters and 1 little sister.  Our 2 older sisters are about 10 years older than us, and our little sister is 9 years younger than me, so growing up, it was just Patty and I with our parents. 
Patty has always been very protective of me, she has always been there for me and stood by my side on my wedding day.  This picture definitely shows the protective side of Patty and it also show me, trying to  be miss independent and not wanting to hold her hand.  I am so thankful to have such a wonderful big sister as her.  Even to this day, if I ever have any kind of problem, I know that I can always turn to Patty and she will take care of it and make it all better. 
This is the 1st time we have ever lived so far a part from each other.  My sisters and mom all live in the same town about 5-10 minutes away from each other.  Its definitely been hard living so far away from my family, but it has also made me appreciate them 100x's more.  Back when i lived in Portland, I didn't see them as often as i should have.  Now living 3 hours away, makes me wish I still had that luxury of jumping in my car and heading to mom's for dinner.
This picture makes me miss the simple days, when we had no cares in the world.  When we lived in our own little world and all we did was play outside all day in sunny California.
Love you SEESTOR!!!!

1 comment:

  1. This is my favorite picture too :*)
    I love you and miss you too! But you're right, living further away makes you realize how much family means to you! Everything you said here is exactly how I feel, til this day!!!


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