Friday, March 1, 2013

Life lately

I know I've been saying this, but I really am working on getting back to blogging regularly! I think about blogging and posting things all the time, but then I get home....and I seem to have so many other things to do, that I get overwhelmed and just push it off, then it makes me sad because I really do miss blogging, such a vicious cycle! lol.

Here is what life has been like for me lately.  If you have instagram, you should follow me, username: wendyburns.  I post on my instagram very often, I love instagram!

Jon's friend cut his finger when he was at our house, and this was the only band aids we had in the house.  I know he was very excited about sporting such a cute band aid!
Took Miley to the groomers, and as you can see, she was VERY happy about the results.  She looks so much smaller after they cut off all of her hair :(
Saturday night, we watched the UFC fight with Jon's friends...Miley was so attached and wanted to cuddle with me, look at that sweet lil face!  She really is my baby!
Rearranging our bedroom, I moved our rug over to my area.  Not like Jon would mind if this would just leave our bedroom! lol
CRAFTING!!! I'm very excited and proud of my creation! I will be blogging about this next week! The trays used are from the dollar store....I painted them pink.  Such an awesome and cheap craft :)
Surprises from the husband, who needs to find a new hiding spot.....
Happy Friday everyone and hope you all have a very wonderful weekend!!


  1. I really love that tray! Such a fun idea! I may do one similar once I complete the vanity I'm working on:)

  2. I'm so following you on Instagram! We have such similar tastes! My daughters bathroom is completely hello kitty......only because my hubby wouldn't let me do ours in it ;)


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